Rehabilitation Services for Women
For many women, life in a shelter is a stepping stone on their journey towards rehabilitation and independence. For many, it is a space where they slowly begin to work through the trials and tribulations that they have experienced and begin to develop a healthy network of support. However, beyond providing a physically safe space, there are many other items that are essential in assisting these women on their journey. Based on our experience working in this area for quite some time, we have learned that leaving an abusive environment or relationship is only a physical move, but the trauma attached to that separation takes a long time to heal. This process can be even more difficult for women of colour and immigrant women, who are not only working through healing from trauma, they are also navigating a culture and society that may not necessarily be familiar to them.
The Power of Sharing understands the different nuances each individual’s experiences may have. Therefore, our efforts are geared towards bridging those gaps in order to settle these women back to their independent life. We scaffold these women through different phases as they settle into the real world towards their independence.
They face many challenges, therefore our approach to resolve these difficulties is practical, and aims to help them acquire a myriad of resources and skills that will be helpful in their journey towards independence.
The Power of Sharing believes in the power each of us share to make a difference.
Therefore we orchestrate those resources within our community in order to fill those gaps in social services. Our community is filled with so much knowledge and opportunities, but this information needs to be documented and organized in order to be useful to these women; something that the Power of Sharing works tirelessly to do.